Sunday, September 23, 2018

Personality interview questions

Fit Questions from Goldman Interviews 

A team member isn't contributing. You confront them. They still don't contribute. What next?
Walk me through you CV?
Which was your preferred class at university?
Your professor accidentally sends you confidential information intended for another student. What do you?
You are working on a secret project. Your previous manager asks about it. He says he wants information on the project to help with an important decision. What do you do?
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Which of your skills and experiences make you appropriate for this job?
What motivates you in life?
What would make you satisfied?
Why Goldman Sachs?
What makes Goldman Sachs different to its competitors?
Why do you want to work for this division of Goldman Sachs?
Why do you want this job at Goldman Sachs?
How do you know you want this job at Goldman Sachs?
Have you ever had any issues with work/life balance?
What skills do you think are required to do this job?
Can you talk about a mistake you made in the past, and how you overcame it?
Who is the most famous and influential person you would like to meet and why?
Can you talk about a challenge you faced in the past? How did you overcome it?
Can you talk through a time you worked with a co-worker? How did you build that relationship?
Can you tell me a time when you failed to meet a deadline?
What's more important- deadlines, or the quality of work?
Can you tell us about an episode where you were short of time for delivering a large project? How did you overcome that?
Can you give an example of a time you streamlined a process?
Talk to me about your previous jobs.
What are you strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
Which role do you usually play in a team?
What would your team mates say about working with you?
Why would your team mates choose to work with someone else instead of you?
Would you rather be captain of a losing team or the regular member of a winning team?
Why did you choose your college/university? Why did you choose that subject?
Give an example of a time you acted as a leader.
Describe a time when you worked in a team where there were disagreements.
Describe a time you research a subject of interest to you. How did you go about that?
Would you say you're a perfectionist?
What's been the most important experience of your career? Why?
Can you talk us through a time when you had to decline a client's request? How did you approach that?
Your friend is cheating in a test. He's on his last warning. You're the only one who knows he's cheating. What do you do?
Tell me about yourself. You have three minutes.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sql Server Performance issue : unexpected inconsistent

We faced an inconsistent performance issue with Sql Server due to which a Sql SSIS Job was taking inconsistent time sometimes 25 minutes sometimes 1hour 35 minutes sometimes 2 hours and everybody was confused why this is happening and there was nothing in the logs or other logging software we were using.

So, then suddenly we got an email from a Database Developer that they have applied an emergency patch on the production server and we monitored the issue for a week and wow to my surprise the problem was actually resolved.

When i went to database developer and asked about it she told that she changed two settings

Cost Threshold for Parallelism from 0 to 30 
                             (Each Query or Stored procedure has complexity so Sql server will try to apply Parallelism in Queries with Complexity more then 30 and not below that.

Degree of parallelism from 0 to 4. 
                            (mind it Sql Server automatically spans as many thread it assumes machine can support and clearly it way more and hence the process taking too much time which it taken by complexity involved in thread switching. the best bet is (for example for 4 core and 8 thread machine is to use only 4 as value which will do throtelling on the number of thread it can use for Parallalism.)

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Mobile First Approach Are you serious

Today I was surprised by a Angular Video I was listening regarding Form.IO. I was surprised to find out that Mobile first approach is old now. The new Approach is API First. And forms are generated at client side on the fly from the same schema which API uses. bit of a surprise. for details Please trying registering to website.

Wireframing the webapplication pages

In my previous experience in Smartline. I got an opportunity to work on Wireframing new webpages for the development team. I found it extreamely difficult to fix a design which the customer or Buissness needed because everytime i think it's final buissness will come back and ask some changes. i was confused how to go about it. Other challange was to identify the Javascript technologies avialabe to provide that UI changes that can be easily slipped into the MVC infrastructure which was used by the develpment tool.

Below is one good wireframing tool i found out and nice youtube video for training on this.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

coding using GIT

I have been using GIT since few months and it was challange as I had been using Visual Source Safe and Microsoft Team foundation Server since last 10 years of my experience and the terms used in GIT were totally different. So, below are few challanges I faced.

What is CLONE: Before started working you have to get the code on your machine. For that you have to clone the code. you can clone directly in source tree from Master branch of repository.              
What is PULL : Whenever you want your code to be updated with other developer changes you need to press pull. but pull is very powerfull command and it will try to get the latest code and try to merge the latest with your changes. So, chances are it will merge something wrongly with your code changes. So, better you can use Fetch and Rebase instead of Pull.

What is MERGE :

What is FETCH : Fetch will just take the latest version but incase any merge required it will not do that automatically. So, chances of getting your code changes merge automatically are not there as in case of Pull. So, you are safe.

What is REBASE : Rebase is a megical command which I should have known few months before rather than right now because I wasted so, much of my time thinking about if my changes will be overwritten by Pull request and just update your changes to the repository and avoid making changes. And lot of time i had to listen from other developers that my code changes pushed to the repository is conflicting with their changes.
So, below is the definition.

          Instead of cramming all changes into a merge commit, a rebase preserves the original commits. The project's history then looks as if it had evolved in a single, straight line. No indication remains that it had been split into multiple branches at some point.
After a rebase, it looks as if development had never split into different branches
Let's walk through a rebase operation step by step. The scenario is simple: we want to integrate the changes from branch-B into branch-A, using rebase.

An example scenario before starting the rebase
The command for this is very easy:
$ git rebase branch-B

First, Git will "undo" all commits on branch-A that happened after the lines began to branch out (after the common ancestor commit). Of course, it won't discard them but rather save them away, temporarily.
Step 1
Next, it applies the commits from branch-B that we want to integrate. At this point, both branches look exactly the same.
Step 2
In the final step, the new commits on branch-A are now reapplied - but on a new position, on top of the integrated commits from branch-B (they are re-based).
The result looks like development had happened in a straight line. Instead of a merge commit that contains all the combined changes, the original commit structure was preserved.
Step 3

What is

last Challange.
            How to sync our Fork from the Upstream.

Before you can use upstream name you have to define the upstream repository for your fork that you can do through sourcetree.

      1. Open your forked repo in SourceTree.
      2. Select Repository -> Repository Settings in the menu bar.
      3. In the Remotes pane, press Add.
      4. Enter any name you like (often upstream or master) and the URL / path to the parent repo.
      5. Press OK, then OK              

    1. You can open Git Bash widow
    2.  move to your local fork directory then type below. 
Below are the command you can execute in GIT BASH once you have set the upstream.

                               git fetch upstream\master 
                               git rebase upstream\master 

below image will explain what's happening.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Using RamDisk to boost machine performance

1. download and install dataram ramdisk software
2. create a ramdisk on R Drive with NTFS Compression
3. map the temp folder as below. this bat file will only map the temp folder while the bat file is running and once you key press the bat file it will ignore the temp folder in ramdisk and create another temp folder in normal hard disk to use. so, this bat file will work only till its running.

bat file details as below for mkdir file

robocopy "c:\windows\TEMP" "R:\cache\windowsTEMP" /S /E
rmdir "c:\windows\TEMP"
MKDIR "R:\cache\windowsTEMP"
mklink /J  "c:\windows\TEMP" "R:\cache\windowsTEMP"

mkdir "R:\cache\Chrome Cache"
robocopy "C:\Users\sshukla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" "R:\cache\Chrome Cache" /S /E
rmdir "C:\Users\sshukla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache"
mklink /J "C:\Users\sshukla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" "R:\cache\Chrome Cache"


rmdir "c:\windows\TEMP"
MKDIR "c:\windows\TEMP"
robocopy "R:\cache\windowsTEMP" "c:\windows\TEMP" /S /E

rmdir "C:\Users\sshukla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache"
MKDIR "C:\Users\sshukla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache"
robocopy "R:\cache\Chrome Cache" "C:\Users\sshukla\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" /S /E